International Manufacturer of Quechers Kits
SPE Products and Sorbent Chemicals
Quality understanding is a matter handled and managed at the highest level within KChrom. This is also a matter used as a management system not only in manufacturing process but also in fields such as management of customer services, shipments, human resources etc. Improvement of quality system is carried out as a regular work in KChrom. We provide necessary resources and carry out our operations by being aware that total quality understanding is the fundamental source of sustainability in all activities of the company.
KChrom (as a part of Labsert) has ISO 9001 certification from DAKKS (National accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany). All analysis and tests during certification works are carried out at ISO 17025 accredited sub-contracted business partnership laboratories and/or Labsert laboratories. Manufacture of the standards is implemented according to international methods.
KChrom is a company that is trademark and divided of Labsert Ltd. KChrom is international manufacturer of Quechers kits, SPE products and bulk chemicals. All services are provided in accordance with the international standards and clearly defined methods. KChrom is committed to improve the quality, active sources and services. Primary objective of our company is achieved by following:
-Providing customer satisfaction with continuity with well trained professional employees and products that conform to international regulations and standards.
-Continuous improvement and effectiveness of quality management system (QMS).
-Operating of manufacturing, testing and quality system process according to ISO 9001.
-Offering customized technical support and user interfaces.
All staff in KChrom work in accordance with quality system procedures and policies. As a declaration of KChrom; we strive to improve effectiveness of QMS and comply with the standards of ISO 9001 without remaining under commercial compulsion.
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