Multi Element Reference Standards
In this section, you can easily find ICP MS and ICP OES Multi-Element Certified Reference Standards. These multi element standards are manufactured as stock product. If you need reference standards with special parameters (concentration, matrix, bottle volume etc.) you are able to request "custom-made" products which are manufactured with your special requirement. All standard materials are metrological traceable to NIST.
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EPA 200.7 Calibration Standard - mg/l Al: 200, As: 200, Ba: 200, Be: 200, B: 200, Cd: 200, Ca: 200, ..
[Bi] Bismuth: 10, [Ho] Holmium: 10, [In] Indium: 10, [6Li] Lithium isotope 6: 10, [Rh] Rhodium..
Performance Check Std Method 200.7 - mg/l Al 20 ; Sb 20 ; As 20 ; Ba 20 ; Be 20 ; B 20 ; Cd 20 ; Ca ..
Reference Standard Solution 28056 - ICP Mix - 100 ml - HS Code: 3822.90.00 - Universal Data Ac..
100 mg/l [P] Phosphorus, 5 mg/l [Ag] Silver, 20 mg/l [Sb] Antimony, 20 mg/l [As] Arsenic, 20 mg/l [B..
Reference Standard Solution 28034 - ICP Mix - (mg/l); Ag 100; Al 100; Ba 100; Bi 100; Ca 100; Cd 100..
Reference Standard Solution 28035 - ICP Mix - (mg/l); K 500; P 500; Tl 500; As 200; Hg 200; Pb 200; ..
Reference Standard Solution 28037 - ICP Mix - 1000 mg/l each of Ca; K; Mg; Na in 2% HNO3..
Reference Standard Solution 28039 - ICP Mix - (mg/l); P 100; S 100; K 100; As 20; La 20; Li 20; Mo 2..
Reference Standard Solution 28043 - ICP Mix - 10 mg/l each of Al, Sb, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Ca, C..
Reference Standard Solution 28045 - ICP Mix - (mg/l); As 50 ; K 50 ; La 10 ; Li 10 ; Mn 10 ; Ni..
Reference Standard Solution 28061 - ICP Mix - 100 ml - HS Code: 3822.90.00 - 100 mg/l each of Sb, As..
Reference Standard Solution 28062 - ICP Mix - 100 ml - HS Code: 3822.90.00 - Ca 1000ug/ml ; Fe 1000u..
Reference Standard Solution 28054 - ICP Mix - Equivalent to Nexium Dual Dedector Solution - 200ug/l ..
Reference Standard Solution 28041 - ICP Mix -100 mg/l each of Ag ; Al ; B ; Ba ; Bi ; Ca ; Cd ; Co ;..