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In this section, you can easily find ICP MS and ICP OES Single Element Certified Reference Standards. These single element standards are manufactured as stock product. If you need reference standards with special parameters (concentration, matrix, bottle volume etc.) you are able to request "custom-made" products which are manufactured with your special requirement. All standard materials are metrological traceable to NIST.
ICP-MS 10 g/L Aluminium Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Arsenic Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Barium Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Boron Standard in Water + Tr NH4OH..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Calcium Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Cesium Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Iron Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Lithium Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Magnesium Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Manganese Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Mercury Standard in %10 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Potassium Standard in %5 HNO3..
10 g/L Chromium Standard in %5 HNO3 for ICP..
ICP-MS 10 g/L Zinc Standard in %5 HNO3..
ICP-MS 10 mg/L Germanium Standard in %5 HNO3 Tr HF..